Tuesday, 2 February 2016


 Even when the children are very small,the parents begin to nurture dreams about them. And as children grow into adults,the parents demand that they live up to their dreams.This is not fair. The parents should be ready to let go of the dreams and goals that are theirs but not their children’s. Letting go creates space for relationships to change and mature. Letting go allows the parents to cast off negative thought patterns, becoming open to new and creative ways of relating.
Some people perceive letting go as passive and weak behaviour. They’ve never tried it ! It is in fact a bold step taken in the interest of the children.In letting go, the parents eloquently enumerate their beliefs- they recognise that  God is active in all their lives. They make an act of absolute faith and trust in God. They move from the parent-child relationship to an adult-adult relationship.

*** Letting Go of Parental Dreams ********

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