Saturday, 14 May 2016


One morning we wake up and realise that we have lost our zest for life and a numb disinterest has taken its place. To turn this around,find something to be grateful for. Just one tiny thing is enough . Begin focusing on this thing as often as you can during the day, but most especially when that feeling of boredom or disinterest comes over you.  Let a feeling of strong optimist flood through your body, and you will shift to a more positive attitude almost immediately. Remind yourself that everyone has both positive and negative personality traits- and you will encourage more displays of whatever you focus on –focus on the positive traits of the people you encounter daily and watch as it transforms your interactions into mutually beneficial connections.  You have habit of always expecting the worst . when you become aware that you have shifted into a pessimistic mind-set, consciously choose to shift into grateful optimism .
****The results you get from these exercises may not be too obvious at first, but as you keep up with them you should begin to see a big difference in your behaviour . You will find yourself feeling lighter, happier, and automatically finding things to be grateful about all the time. *****

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