Monday, 7 October 2019


When and How !!!!!!!
Some people are always ready to give punishment to others. Scolding or beating is not the solution to improve the child. When you give any punishment then you think first that it could happen with you or your child. Then only you feel the pain of others. If you think all are like your children then only you can give real love, affection, and real punishment too. The children give you respect from their hearts. First, you give pure love, care to the children and fulfill your duties then you are authorized to give punishment to others They care for you.and they're ready to accept any type of punishment by heart they feel guilty. Children if doing murder also, our laws send them only in sudhar gurh. Other mistakes are very small. Children do wrong only by mistake or due to a bad environment. It doesn't mean he is bad person. Children are how we make them if they do wrong we are somewhere wrong. Give them the right direction and help them to become good people. Do not punish to show your bossism or show the others that you are very intelligent.. children are pillars of society, they are light of our life. Do not always blame them. It's our responsibility to show them the right path by giving pure love, care and not give hard punishment. They are the stars of the society, give them real light of knowledge and love..........

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